Monday, September 28, 2015

Portrait Study#53 Takaki in progress

Oil on canvas
Takaki came to my studio around 10am. and we finished this study by 11:30am.
An hour and half of working time. Not bad at all!!!
I have to remind myself to not to overwork next time when Takaki comes!
Have to be efficiency! It will save my time, paint, energy.. and to be a better painter.

Portrait Study#52 Cathy

Oil on canvas

Thank you Cathy.
I feel I overworked this study. But I did enjoy enormously working with you. Love you very much,Cathy. You're a great friend!

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Portrait Study# 52 Cathy still in progress

Oil on canvas
I'm not very satisfied with the progress this afternoon. Cathy's coming back tomorrow morning for an extra hour and half... Thank you, Cathy. Without you I don't know what do do!!!

Portrait Study# 48 Dennis

Oil on canvas

Thank you so much Dennis for posing for the study!
I just find out that you have beautiful eyes. Maybe I should do another study with your charming, sparkle eyes! I really like today's work. Thank you again Dennis.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Sad Silent Eyes

I'm not sure if I'm looking at your eyes
Sad Silent Eyes

The unspeakable gravity pulls me into the uncertain lie
Sad Silent Eyes

My body freezes, floating to the edge of cliff
Sad Silent Eyes

I undress, naked dancing to the high life
Sad Silent Eyes

I must be dreaming...


Sad Silent Eyes

By Yaoling Lee

Friday, September 18, 2015

Now I could

Now I could

I couldn't make them go. Cause
They stayed in my head
I couldn't think the other way. Cause
Everything froze in your hands

I want to stand on the mountain top
Howling with pack of wolves, and pretend I am one of them
They love me, cherish me with no difference than the others
I lower my head to show my obedience and loyalty
My bare skin begin to grow fur... like my family
Feeling home and warm...

It's dark. Moon shines high in the sky
I lay by their side

Now I could make them go. Cause
They weren't part of me anymore
Now I could think the other way. Cause..
I sensed everything and not afraid of anything

Now I could

Portrait Study#29 Oyinkro still in Progress

oil on canvas

Portrait Study#22 Rosita

oil on canvas

Last time when I saw you was month ago. Thank you Rosita, my dear  friend to come to pose for me again!
I was very pleased to see her this morning. She looked so pretty, and radiance. I did enjoy our girl's talk.  To my very best friend, Rosita!!!!! Bravo, with tons of courage, let's move on alllllll  together!!!!!!

Thursday, September 17, 2015

I should retreat to the bottom of the sea

I should retreat to the bottom of the sea

Leave my foot prints behind me
Hold my breath that troubles me

I dive into the ocean...
water swims, brushes past my flesh

For the last glance
I turn my head and look back
Feel no sound
Dim light disappeared

I should retreat to the bottom of the sea
Where my weary heart rests and regains her need

By Yaoling Lee

Portrait Study#45 Christy

oil on canvas

Thank you Christy!
Christy works and is studying to be a nurse. I like how she talks. She talks softly....feels no pressure.... I got influenced by her... I begin to talk nicely..... I feel so calm and peaceful..... (I don't know how long my calmness will last but I truly enjoy the time while working with her.) 

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Portrait Study#44 Dwayne

Oil on cancvas

Dwayne has a mind of ocean. He is award and interested in everything in life, in the world. Dwayne told me stories about Hindu gods. The way how he described, for me, it's like watching a movie with sound, action and human feeling...Dwayne, you are a great guy!!! And many thanks to you for posing for my study.

Portrait Study#45 Christy in Progress

Oil on canvas

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

To Kill A Clown

To Kill A Clown
A poem by Mr. Ramon

To Kill A Clown, You'd Have
To Be As Comical As One.
To Ride A Wave A Hundred
Feet High, It's Like Touching
The Setting Sun.
To Shoot One Down, To Have 
Him Ground, So Powdery And Fine.
I'll Tell You Friend; All In All...
You Wouldn't Have The Time
To Kill A Clown,
It's Like Riding A Wave,
To Touch The Setting Sun.

Portrait Study#44 Dwayne in Progress

Oil on canvas

Portrait Study#42 Mr.Ramon

Oil on canvas

Beside his day time job, Mr. Ramon is an exceptional poet. He gave me 3 copies of his poems and I like them very much. Mr. Ramon told me that his wife and he are building their own house block by block with their bare hands. Woww.... What I admire the most is that Mr. Ramon is tranquil and so down to earth. Thank you Mr. Ramon and I love your stories!!! You are a great story teller too!!!!

Sunday, September 13, 2015

I see U Heaviness

I see U Heaviness

I hold my breath
Dive into water
Look up...
Waving water dancing with green, blue diamonds. Feeling light.

I hold my breath
Dive into water
Look up...
Alien like blanket floating with northern lights. Feeling alive.

I hold my breath
Dive into water
Look up...
and Look up.........

I see     U..... Feeling heaviness..... Denied.

Portrait Study#41 Carolyne in Progress

Oil on cancvas

Friday, September 11, 2015

Portrait Study#37 Rev.Ilona

Oil on canvas

I paint what I see, but most important, I paint how I feel...(i try)
Rev. Ilona is a great human being. There's not enough words to describe Rev.Ilona. Meeting her is like meeting a great spirit. I see green, I see mother river, I see myself showering into the sunlight, so warm, so gentle...and loved.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

I Devour You

I Devour You

I devour you, gobble you down.
Don't come close!

I am the Black Hole from the Universe.
You do know how dark inside? You'll be lost forever.
I am the Tunnels in the Space.
You do know how complex they are? You'll never find the way out.

Time's no cure.               There's never one.
See no souls.                 Only walking deaths.
Shadows' everywhere.   Draging heavily their tails.      To nowhere.

Don't come close to me.

I devour you, gobble you down, piece by piece, like Goya ghosts (done)....

I Will Never

I Will Never

I will never catch a flying arrow...
     Sinking heart.   Can you hold your breath forever?
     Tearing apart.  Can you mend these pieces back?
     Suffocating under the words of sorrow.

How.   I will never catch a flying arrow.  Back.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Portrait Study#40 Emily

Oil on canvas

I cannot believe that Emily grows so tall. She certainly is a beautiful young lady now. About 6 or 7 years ago, Emily used to come to my Saturday art classes. I like her very much. She is so sweet. Time goes fast. Sometimes, we don't realize, our kids grow up, trees grow tall, our pets become older, the color of our cloth fades away, friends come, and friends go, what else do we have!!! WE STILL HAVE OURSELVES!!!We are still here, breathing, alive....keeping working for our bodies, keeping working for our souls!
I have to work a little harder because my sitters are always look better than my works! I have to compete with them!!!
Skin tones aren't very right yet. It's not at all easy for me, but will figure it out sooner or later....

Portrait Study#39 Chelsea

Oil on canvas

Thank you Chelsea!
I can see that coming... Chelsea will be a brilliant musician playing along with great symphony. Great people around her, and she motivats people surround her too. Keeping working, Chelsea! 

Monday, September 7, 2015

Portrait Study#34 Junko

Oil on canvas

Every time when I see Junko, she's always smiling. I feel so warm even by looking at her photo. She is a loving mother, wife... she is a great person with tons of love... She loves her family as well as people around her.. I feel that.... She is sunshine, she brightens everyone around her. Thank you, Junko. 

Portrait Study#39 Chelsea in Progress

Oil on canvas

Saturday, September 5, 2015



Tear is moonlight stone
No one knows where it comes from, where it goes...
      It has its own home so called HOME
     Where it keeps its tear stones
      It has its own home so called HOME
     Where it talks through the night to the stones

Tear is blue river
No one knows where it comes from, where it goes...
     It has its own home so called HOME
     Where it contemplates, longing for..." WHOLE"

Tear is rainbow
No one knows where it comes from, where it goes...
     It has its own home so called HOME
     Where it washes itself into colored stripes
     Where it buries itself
     Where it's blindfolded and will never    see    through    the     light...

portrait study#38 Naomi in Progress

Oil on canvas
We had lots of fun, Naomi and I talking and working on the study. See you next week! Naomi! I like her smile.....I didn't paint it on purpose, it came out all by itself. It is magical.... That's one of the reasons why I love doing it. I never know how it is going to turn out. Full of surprises.....This time, my sitter is a charming, lovely, hardworking lady! And she knows it!