Thursday, October 26, 2017

Pet portrait Fluffy

Oil on canvas
46.5 x 35 cm

This is my third pet portrait that I work with pictures. For specifically only working with pictures, I suffer enormously because I can't feel life itself. I usually work directly with my subjects, for example, models, still life, flowers and landscapes. Idealy, I have to feel my subjects while I'm working with them. 

I still remember at the first year of the art school where I attened, they once asked us to copy a black and white picture of a glass of a drink with a cube of ice in it. The purpose was to practice the value of these colors. Then as far as I remembered, in order to study sea and cloud, I did a series of copies of the paintings from Baroque era old master years ago. To me, learning from great masters is a great way to improve.

I'm not against working with pictures. I have artist friends who work exclusively only with pictures and the result is quite pleasant. But I'm not a big fan who loves to work with them. There's time I almost quit. But guess, once I set a goal, I should execute it properly no matter what. 

Friday, October 20, 2017

Oil based clay bust Zamil in progress

Work un progress
Oil based clay bust Zamil
(Click the pic to get a clear image)

At the end of our session today, I asked my model to sit back to his chair because I wanted to take a picture of him with the bust. When I lifted up my head, I saw this...." a man in white with a pair of dark sun glasses". 😲Immediately, he made me think about the movie, " The man in Black". Oh.... I couldn't stop laughing!!! 😂 It was a good treat after almost four hours of hard working. I should've asked Zamil " chin down" again while taking his picture. They are the most used words during my sessions with my models!!! And, for a very long time, I believe Zamil will not forget about these words even after we finished the bust. And..... I told him that the reason why this bust takes so long its because the shape of his head changes everyday!!!  So much work.  There are times i almost lost my patience. Thank you, Zamil for hanging on for this bust.  😊

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Pet portrait by commission

More than a month ago, i brought my dog, Fluffy to visit the veterinarian. Well, the vet who's also my friend asked me that it'd been nice if i could do pet portraits by commission. After two weeks, I've my flyers out. And I just shipped my first commissioned painting " Buddy" to my client. My client received the painting and told me that she's totally in love with it.  Guess I'll keep painting  pets. Please let me if you're interested 

Oil on canvas. 46.5 x 20

Oil on canvas.  22 x 27 cm

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Three busts

Life size.  Oil based clay
Third bust Zamil
In progress
Second plaster cast bust Cisneros
First plaster cast bust Maria

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Blue Hole and Emeral Seashore

Blue Hole
Oil on canvas
22 x 27 cm

A friend of mine who owns a turist company, " Belize Concierge" sends me on a trip of " Blue Hole Cessna Air Charter " from Belize City. I take pictures of our beautiful sea from above the sky. So beautiful, almost takes my breathe away!!! This oil painting and the following water colors are inspired by this gorgeous sea. I work with the pictures I took from this trip. 

Series of Emerald Seashore
Water color on paper
13.5 x 19.3 cm

Group exhibition in Merida, Mexico

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Group exhibition at the Museum of Belize

Along with fellow belizean artists, I have three works showing at the Museum of Belize. The exhibition starts from this Monday and lasts for a month. ( a blaster cast bust Cisneros, an oilportrait Grandmom Janine and a seascape Green Sea.