Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Life goes on. Continue with larger frames

I'm almost done with small frames. They just need one or two more layers of paint. While waiting for them to dry, I begin to prepare larger frames for my studio paintings. Ah!!! Do you see that little fluffy thing stands outside of the door? His name is fluffy. He's a cut little thing when he's in the mood. I feel sorry for him that I haven't had time to play with him lately. And I don't know if he's awared of the death of his friend, Cocker. A cocker Spaniard that I had for more than 10 years. He wasn't well last week. I sent him to vet's and was on IV. He went to heaven while staying overnight at the clinic. I was very emotional and couldn't work. That morning, I drove around the city with loud heavy metal music. Then I stopped at the seaside. Contemplating.

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